Paris, A dream realized

This past March after years of planning and waiting we made Jordans biggest dream come true, we took her all the way to Paris to climb the Eiffel Tower.

People ask us all the time where this dream came from and honestly I have no idea.  There was nothing specific that Jordan watched or heard that implanted this dream, it simply came from her heart.  

As she started to dig into the idea and the rest of us came around, we all leaned in.  Over the years it developed into a family goal.  It helped us get through difficult times, we talked, we researched, we planned and most importantly we dreamed. It gave us a much needed distraction and something to look forward to, an escape from our current reality.  

March of 2023 will be forever in our memories as we explored not only Paris but also London, Disney Paris and Brussels.

If you ask Jordan how the trip went she would say “it was everything I dreamed it would be”.  She doesn’t focus on the part where we all got sick…

Crossing something like “visit the Eiffel Tower” off your list is a huge accomplishment and she could have just stopped there, but she didn’t!!

What I admire most about Jordan is that even though the doctors have given her this grim prognosis, it hasn’t stopped her from dreaming, from listening to her heart's desires.  

Shortly after we arrived home she set out to create an entire Dream it Do it list.  Imagine a bucket list but infinitely better!!

Jordan’s list contains things like; visit New York to try hot pot.  Huge things and things that can be accomplished on a weekday.

This list sits prominently in our family space and has inspired mostly everyone else in the family to create their own lists.  Having these lists gives us a sense of purpose. A purpose of being intentional with our time, and making even the mundane moments memorable.  

It’s so easy to get caught up in the flow of life that we forget to carve out time to fulfil our hearts desires and to spend time dreaming new dreams.

With that we would love to share with you our most recent creation….

The I am Journal, complete with a Dream it Do it page. A journal for you to fill with all your dreams, desires and adventures!!! 

If you can learn anything from our journey, please let it be these 3 things;

  • To never stop dreaming
  • To go after everything that your heart desires
  • And to never leave an adventure for tomorrow that can be had today.

Love always the Gagnons

i am journal

Be among the first to get your hands on the I am Journal by purchasing here….



Photo credit goes to Love Lou x, Thank you so much for capturing our amazing trip to Paris, visit her Instagram here

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